Abs Muscle Anatomy

Learn the ins and outs of your core architecture and the principles of muscle development if you’re sick of performing endless crunches with no noticeable effects. Your abs are made up of several different muscles, so you must diversify your exercise schedule to work each and see results. Learn about the many types of abs muscles here, along with the best exercises for each.

Types of Abs Muscles

You’re not the only one who thinks about wanting to appear better in your jeans when doing ab workouts. But there are a few other reasons why having a six-pack should be at the top of your fitness goals. Your abdominal muscles actually comprise five main muscles:

  • Rectus Abdominis: This is more generally referred to as the “six-pack” because it is situated between the rib cage and the pelvic bone.

  • External Obliques: These enable your trunk to rotate and rest on the sides of the rectus abdominis.

  • Internal Obliques: These are located inside the hipbones and, like them, flank the rectus abdominis. They also support twisting motions.

  • Transversus Abdominis: These support your trunk and are located behind the obliques. The corset muscles are another name for them.

  • Pyramidalis: This little, triangular muscle supports internal abdominal pressure and is located in the pelvis.

How To Build Stronger Abs Muscles

Losing weight is not necessary to achieve prominent, defined abs; instead, focus on toning your muscles. To understand how to build abs muscle, you need to exercise each type of abdominal muscle in your body to strengthen your core (instead of just focusing on the rectus abdominis). The abs are surprisingly resistant to tiredness since they keep you upright all day long.

  1. Dumbbell side bend

  • Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with the palm facing inward and the torso toward your body while you stand with your feet hip-width apart.

  • Keep your back straight, and grip your abdominals. Then sag as far to the side while bending at the waist.

  • Return to the starting position after holding at the bottom of your range of motion for a second. Perform 12 to 20 repetitions for one set.

  1. Barbell back squat

  • By keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and distributing them equally over your shoulders, lift up a barbell.

  • Send your glutes back and bend your knees as far as possible, like you were getting into a chair.

  • Push via your heels to go back to the starting position. Perform 12 repetitions in a set.

  1. Bird dog

  • Start in a tabletop position in which your hips are above your knees and shoulders are above your wrists.

  • Now, raise your right arm and left leg at the same time by tightening your abdominal muscles.

  • As you kick back, your foot should be bent, and your palm should face your body.

  • Once your arm and leg are at the same height, pause before bringing your elbow and knee together below the body.

  • Perform five reps to make up a set.

What Are The Benefits of Abs Muscle

Exercises that make your body shaky are necessary to strengthen the core successfully. Once you start enhancing your core stability, the benefits of abs muscle apply to both daily life and athletic performance. 

  • A solid core improves sports performance.

  • Lower back pain is prevented with a solid core.

  • A strong core can enhance your posture.

  • A strong core can enhance your posture.

  • Your waistline will become smaller.

Different Types Of Abs Muscles Workout

Below we will be discussing different types of abs muscles workout in detail: 

  1. Middle abs workout

The middle portion of the stomach, which lies between the upper and lower abdominals and is a component of the rectus abdominis, is referred to as the middle abs.

Almost all ab workouts target this region of the abdominal muscles; the distinction lies in where each exercise places its emphasis. They are regarded as medium ab exercises if no particular element is emphasized. When sculpting a specific muscle group, using a targeted workout can be quite helpful.

  1. Upper abs workout

Upper abdominal muscles can be toned with activities for stomach weight loss. In addition, the foundation of your six-pack can be built with upper abdomen exercises. The rectus abdominis (frontal abdominal wall), obliques (muscles along the sides of your waist), and intercostals are the three main parts of your midsection that you should focus on when exercising the abdominals (bands of muscle that run diagonally across the sides of your upper abdomen).

  1. Lower abs workout

These exercises are meant to strengthen the lower abs to improve balance, stability, and posture while doing regular activities. The majority of lower abs exercises don’t require any special tools.

  1. Oblique workouts

A better body can result from having strong oblique muscles in various ways. For example, they aid in the spine’s stability, lower the incidence of type 2 diabetes (which is frequently correlated with excess abdomen fat), and enhance performance in sports requiring fast movements and twisting.


Many fitness enthusiasts strive to get six-pack abs. Despite the solid aesthetic emphasis on this part of the body, your abs and core serve you in far more ways than merely helping you seem fit. A solid core increases athletic performance, lowers the incidence of low back discomfort, and helps prevent falls. You must significantly lower your body fat levels to achieve a six-pack that is clearly evident. You can follow above listed abs muscle workout to gain abs.

Several dietary and lifestyle choices can help you lose body fat. However, maintaining six-pack abs for life can be difficult for most people. Do not criticize yourself if you have problems getting those obstinate abs to show. Rest assured that whether or not your six-pack is visible, your core can be strong, and your body can be healthy.